Register your child for our wait list...
Click Here To Register
All of our enrolments at Gardiner Preschool are generated through our waiting list, so if you are interested in your child attending Gardiner Preschool for either our 3YO program or 4YO funded kinder program, you will need to register yours and your child’s details on our waiting list. Registrations can be made from any time during the year that your child will turn 2, right up until the year of attendance.

Successful applicants will be notified the year before attendance when offers of enrolment go out in Term 2. Any registrations for the following year from that point on will be offered enrolment as they come in, based on vacancies.

 There is no such thing as a late registration. It is always better to be registered than not, so when a place does become available, we can let you know.

Registration is easy. Simply click the link below.😊
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